Frequently Asked Questions
What is this web site all about?
This web site helps to match people and companies together who either want fill / soil or need soil / fill. It uses a great graphical interface with
Google Maps and is very easy to use. Also, other materials can be listed if desired.
How much does this service cost?
To use this web site is free. No costs are associated with listing fillsites, expressing interest in fill or browsing the listed fillsites.
If it is free to use, how does the web site stay in business?
The web site covers its costs by advertising. Since so much fill is changing hands, many contractors are happy to advertise on here to help move or
spread the fill / soil that is moved etc.
How do I advertise on this web site?
On the main (or home) screen, there is a tab labelled ADVERTISE. Click it for advertising inquires.
Who benefits from the use of this web site?
All that use the site. Fillsite listers benefit by getting fill (mostly free), people needing to get rid of fill benefit by finding close dump sites,
the environment benefits with less machinery use and travel etc, this website benefits from advertising.
Can I list other materials?
Yes. There are a default list of common materials, however, you can type extra details in the listing if you have something a little different etc.
Can I list more than one site at a time?
Yes. There is no limit on the number of listing you can have. So you can even listing you friends interest under you login if you wish.
How do I retrieve my username & password?
Send an email to with the email address you have used to sign up for fillsites Australia.
How do I remove my account?
Send an email to with the email address you have used to sign up for fillsites Australia.